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Allergy Treatment Center Lynnwood

Allergies are a common chronic condition, affecting 50 million people in the United States. We evaluate and manage seasonal allergies as well as food sensitivities and allergies. Allergy immunotherapy is provided as a solution for those with severe symptoms needing long term relief.

Allergy Services

Allergies Q&A

Allergies are a chronic health condition that affects your immune system. Normally, your immune system creates antibodies that attack germs and other foreign substances to protect you from sickness and disease.


If you have allergies, your immune system creates antibodies against substances it considers harmful to you, but aren’t harmful to most people. When your immune system attacks these substances, called allergens, it releases chemicals that trigger the allergic reaction. 


Allergy symptoms vary from mild to severe and may affect your respiratory system, digestive system, or skin. Some people have life-threatening allergic reactions called anaphylaxis that causes swelling in the mouth and throat, obstructing breathing.

You can develop an allergy to any substance. However, there are common allergens, including:

  • Pollen, grass, and ragweed
  • Food: Wheat, milk, soy, fish, shellfish, eggs, tree nuts, and peanuts
  • Mold
  • Pets
  • Insects
  • Drugs

Aldora Injury and Wellness specializes in evaluating and managing seasonal allergies like pollen and grass, as well as food sensitivities and allergies. Food sensitivities aren’t an immune system reaction; however, they cause uncomfortable symptoms.

The integrative practitioners at Aldora Injury and Wellness conduct allergy and food sensitivity testing to diagnose allergies. Knowing the substance causing your symptoms helps direct your treatment.


Allergy testing may include:


Skin test


During a skin test for allergies, your health care provider pricks your skin with a small amount of the suspected allergen and waits for a reaction. Skin testing for allergies is done at the office.


Blood test


For a blood test, your provider takes a sample of blood and has it sent to the lab to look for antibodies associated with various allergens. 


Food sensitivity testing


For food sensitivities, your provider may use a special skin prick test.

Aldroa Injury and Wellness customizes your allergy treatment plan based on the type of allergies you have and the severity of your symptoms. The first line of defense focuses on education, which includes guidance on how to avoid your allergen to keep symptoms under control. 


Your provider may also offer treatments to ease symptoms such as antihistamines or nasal sprays.


For patients with severe allergies or allergies that fail to respond to conservative care, Aldora Injury and Wellness offers allergy immunotherapy. This treatment involves either a series of injections or sublingual drops of your allergens, which desensitizes your immune system to the allergen to stop the allergic reaction.


To get help with your allergies, call Aldora Injury and Wellness or schedule an appointment online today.